Acupuncture, Ear Candling, Natural Fertility Therapy in Dukinfield
Reiki, Sound TherapyAcupuncture, Ear Candling, Natural Fertility Therapy in Glossop
Rhiannon lives in Glossop, near Manchester. Her amazing, transformational journey started with Chloe Goodchild’s Naked Voice Facilitator training, and she now runs workshops, called ’Let Your Soul Sing !’ to introduce people to the transforming...
Counselling, Sound Healer, Sound Therapist, Sound Therapy Training and Reiki in Hadfield and Glossop I offer Online/Virtual Counselling and Sound therapy sessions.
I’m an experienced counsellor, and love working with adults and young people, tailoring my approach to their individual needs. I have worked in the NHS, voluntary sector and and private practice with men and women from all backgrounds on many issue...
Counselling, Ear Candling, Reiki in Shropshire
"You Reiki" specialises in a highly pro-active approach to health and well-being. Blending talking therapies with holistic therapies and energetic healing for a deeper sense of well-being. Especially helpful in identifying the source of imbalance and...